LifeStyle 101
A blue print for Health. What to expect from the course.
Dr. Sean Fletch
Developing habits today that will produce health tomorrow
Lecture Module 1 - LifeStyle First
Extra Reading: Making Healthier Choices is Really Choiceless
Extra Reading: 4 Fundamentals of Nutrtition
First Action Steps
HCU Food Quality Traffic Lights
Module 2: Inflammation and Disease Lecture
Health Coach Bulletin 3: Upstream Approach
Health Coach Bulletin 4: Prescription Cascade
Statistical Deception Relating to Cholesterol Meds
Module 3: Insulin Resistance and Weight - Recorded Presentation
The History of Weight
Module 4: Circadian Rhythm Recorded
Circadian Temperature Test
Rythm Entrainment Strategies
Module 5: Food Part 1 Lecture Recorded
Supersize Me Back Office Experiment
Module 6: Food Part 2
Module 7: The Gut and the Brain
Module 8: Sleep
Sleep TIps
My Sleepiness Score
Module 9: Movement - Joints and the Brain
Mobility Routine
FREE PREVIEWCross Crawl Patterning
Module 10: Strees
Paced Breathing Homework
Module 11: Pulling it all together
Module 11: Pulling it all together Live
Additives List in Food
EWF Dirty Dozen Hormone Disruptors
EWG 5 things about GMOs
EWG Pesticide List