LifeStyle 101

A blue print for Health. What to expect from the course.

LifeStyle 101

Register now to start the course. All materials are available for you to do this in 11 days, 11 weeks or even 6 months. The Q& A section allows you to ask direct questions to Dr. Fletch

Course Content

The course consists of 11 modules with a mininum 1 hour time commitment each week

  • Video Presentation

    Each module starts with a 1 hour lecture and video presentation. Watch it as many times as you want or listen to it in the car driving to and from work.

  • Additional Resources

    Additional Reading Material and Resources pertaining to each module will be made available

  • Community Chat

    All participants will be able to share experiences and ask questions via the LifeStyles Community Group.


Dr. Sean Fletch

Dr. Fletch runs a chiropractic practice in Mississauga, Ontario Canada. His post graduate training includes certifications in Acupuncture, Concussion Management and Functional Nutrition; Health Coach, Shape Shift, and Health Score. He is also a certified KinStretch Instructor and is in process of completing his Professional Applied Kinesiolgy designation as an AK practitioner. With a passion for nutrition and fitness, optimizing the health and wellness of patients has always been a natural fit for Dr. Fletch and his practice. Through his career Dr. Fletch has consulted for and worked with a number of professional teams and athletes along with young aspiring ones and their parents. This program is a culmination of his post-graduate training and more than 26 year of clinical practice teaching patients how to become and stay healthier through lifestyle intervention.

Planning for the future

Are you planning for your finanical future .... what steps are to taking to ensure that you will be healthy enough to enjoy that futrure? Don't rely on chance or luck!

Lifestyles 101

Developing habits today that will produce health tomorrow

  1. 1
    • Lecture Module 1 - LifeStyle First

    • Extra Reading: Making Healthier Choices is Really Choiceless

    • Extra Reading: 4 Fundamentals of Nutrtition

    • First Action Steps

    • HCU Food Quality Traffic Lights

  2. 2
    • Module 2: Inflammation and Disease Lecture

    • Health Coach Bulletin 3: Upstream Approach

    • Health Coach Bulletin 4: Prescription Cascade

    • Statistical Deception Relating to Cholesterol Meds

  3. 3
    • Module 3: Insulin Resistance and Weight - Recorded Presentation

    • The History of Weight

  4. 4
    • Module 4: Circadian Rhythm Recorded

    • Circadian Temperature Test

    • Rythm Entrainment Strategies

  5. 5
    • Module 5: Food Part 1 Lecture Recorded

    • Supersize Me Back Office Experiment

  6. 6
    • Module 6: Food Part 2

  7. 7
    • Module 7: The Gut and the Brain

  8. 8
    • Module 8: Sleep

    • Sleep TIps

    • My Sleepiness Score

  9. 9
  10. 10
    • Module 10: Strees


    • Paced Breathing Homework

  11. 11
    • Module 11: Pulling it all together

    • Module 11: Pulling it all together Live

    • Additives List in Food

    • EWF Dirty Dozen Hormone Disruptors

    • EWG 5 things about GMOs

    • EWG-AvoidingPesticidesTips

    • EWG Pesticide List